May 17Liked by scientia liberia

Very well laid out, Don. Thank you.

The CDC, Google, Meta (Facebook), University of Cambridge, the Omidyar Foundation were funders of a study just published yesterday declaring that the mRNA shots are safe and they are putting forward a training program to instruct healthcare workers on how to psychologically re-program patients with vaccine hesitancy: “Inoculation” to Resist Misinformation (link below).

One has to ask, why is Big Tech fighting so hard to keep getting mRNA injections shot into as many people in the world as possible. These guys are not doing it for the Pharma money. And why are they in such blatant denial? Or is it not denial? How could anyone not know at this point that there is a large cohort of people who have been injured and killed by these shots. They are willfully ignoring this fact and openly revealing their interventions into public health and the sacred doctor/patient relationship. Please read the paper.


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The paper is about more than mRNA. This is part of an organized campaign to legitimize lying to the public about all sorts of topics.

The goal is deeper than mis/dis/information, it's about the control of perception, removing ethical context, and meaning.

Sander van der Linden (author on that paper) is using the trappings of science to package up psychological manipulation. Many of the funders of the study, and others like it, represent the information control grid (i.e. CISA, Google, CDC, Meta, etc). The list of the interested is very long and includes the Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, and Soros' Open Society.

van der Linden is part of a group gamifying disinformation, and promoted by establishment power. The target appears to be young minds using devices like phones, encouraging them to become spreaders of desired messaging to gain popularity and social media status. Two games as examples: 'Bad News' and 'Go Viral'. It's an exercise in brainwashing the mind in the era of Tiktok.

The fact that Big Tech is involved here shouldn't be very surprising. The entire model is built on these motivations.

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I have been pondering this comment, Don. It is insightful for me, so thank you. I have something add about the mRNA, but I want to say it rather than write it. Maybe we can get the Office Hours group to discuss this on Wednesday.

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van der Linden


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Thank you. That was interesting, and deeply disturbing.

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The "desired outcome" was always DEPOPULATION.

The coverup is evidence of MENS REA.

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Eugenics has a long tradition. Whether it is wanton recklessness or planned and premeditated, the results still amount to death and injury. That said, there is also a marked element of control which makes this much more complex than depopulation. Clearly, there's an orchestrated effort to funnel thought and behavior, and the intent is *very* visible.

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