Part 2 of a 2-part essay; Part 1, “A Specter Looms,” is linked above.
Offered in the spirit of remembering the departed on the Day of the Dead.
Pause to consider that there is something here that is being shielded from scrutiny. Something ‘precious’. Something dangerous.
It is lurking in the shade, like a specter, largely unrecognized and by nameless awe, allowed to slip past critical thought.
Obscured and unannounced, it advances, making its way, reeking of death.
The specter, unmasked, is the platform itself.
The Platform
Comedian and musician Reggie Watts is credited with saying, “When in doubt, zoom out.” Doubtless, he is not the originator or alone in giving voice to this pearl of wisdom.
This has already been stated, but bears repeating due to its importance:
It is absolutely vital to understand that COVID was an organized operation (an ‘Op’, in military parlance) that enabled the advancement of a range of objectives. This included the testing and deployment of public health policies, protocols, and an experimental pharmaceutical platform intended to achieve short-term and long-term goals.
It should be clear that one of those objectives was to widely deploy and cultivate acceptance of the mRNA platform.
Despite the hyper-focus driven by the COVID shots, however, this ought not be construed as a one-off endeavor, or a platform meant to target a single disease.
This goes far beyond COVID.
Remember: it’s a platform.
When we hear the word ‘platform’, we’re inclined to think of a setting, something innocuous: a raised flat area or stage, or a set of political principles. But words have power and history, and there’s an older meaning from the middle of the 16th century worth recalling. A platform is a ‘plan of action’, a ‘scheme’, and a ‘design’.
It’s important to remember that this platform has been designed. Like all design projects, the work represents an intersecting sum of decisions and choices. It is built on concepts, utilizes a theoretical model for decision making, and incorporates a method or path of action built on those decisions and choices. Viewing a project in this manner can obviate the thought that undergirds a project and can lead to a better understanding of the wider implications as the work progresses. Importantly, it can also reveal a project’s blindspots and likely points of weakness and failure.
One of the primary goals of the COVID operation has been to have the mRNA platform become standardized and accepted; not just for all of the shots on the current immunization schedule1, but for future additions, and delivery of all manner of ‘gene therapies’.
Prior to COVID, the platform had never seen wide use in humans.
As has been widely observed, the COVID shots are deeply flawed.
But they aren’t flawed just because they were rushed to market. They aren’t flawed just because metal fragments and contaminants have been found in untold thousands of vials. They aren’t flawed just because they systemically replaced the uracils with N1-methylpseudouridine. They aren’t flawed just because frame shifting may be induced, yielding unknown ‘off-target’ proteins. They aren’t flawed just because of the use of codon optimization which can lead to problems with protein folding and stability. They aren’t flawed just because there is plasmid DNA and the onconogenic SV40 promoter present where there should not be.
They are flawed for all of these reasons, simultaneously (and more).
But there is a deeper, fundamental problem with the platform itself.
Transfection is hacking
One of the primary goals of the Op was to enable and facilitate the widespread acceptance of a transfection platform.
Though the word transfection is hardly used (we should ask: why not?) in relation to the mRNA platform, it lies at the heart of the design and method of action.
Transfection was being studied as early as the 1970’s.
Transfection is the process of artificially introducing nucleic acids (DNA / RNA) into eukaryotic cells by ‘non-viral’ methods.2 It’s actually as inelegant as it sounds. It is, quite literally, hacking cells to make a protein product it naturally would not; specifically, in the case of the COVID injectables (according to the manufacturer’s product literature), the non-self spike protein.
Transfection is like brute-force hacking: literally breaking open the cell wall and inserting a payload. It’s worth considering that it might actually have more in common with impersonation and spycraft than healing. The platform is, by design, at odds with, and trying to deceive the immune system.
Consider just these two questions:
Why is a lipid nanoparticle capsule needed in the first place?
The lipid capsule is the delivery mechanism, but it is first a camouflage strategy for avoiding detection by the immune system and fooling the body into thinking it is just a common natural lipid, like cholesterol. We know that mRNA is intrinsically unstable and quickly degraded due to the omnipresence of RNases in the serum and plasma.3 Breakdown of RNA is an ancient and fundamental process. RNase, or ribonuclease, is a catalyst responsible for the degradation of RNA. Free extracellular RNA is a danger signal to the immune system.
Why was N1-methylpseudouridine used?
All of the uracil nucleosides were systemically replaced with synthetic N1-methyl-pseudouridine. This is another strategy of deception, intended to trick the immune system. Foreign RNA is intrinsically immunogenic—it triggers the immune system. By incorporating synthetic pseudouridine, the T-cell response and activation of Toll-like receptors is suppressed, thus making the mRNA more persistent and less likely to be destroyed by the immune system.4
These two items point to something intuitive and straightforward that laypeople can hold onto: the platform is designed to do something the immune system does not want. Thus, the platform must, by design, impersonate, deceive, and strive to trick the immune system.
The human body doesn’t want foreign genetic material in the bloodstream, and cells don’t want to have foreign genetic material inside the cell wall, yet this is the basis of design for the entire platform. It is attempting to deceive and undermine one of the primary functions of the immune system: recognition of Self vs Non-self.
How does the immune system react to this hacking?
It leaps into action. Inflammation, cellular damage, scarification, apoptosis, genetic damage, cancer, autoimmunity, and more. Cells expressing a foreign protein will be attacked by the immune system and destroyed by T-lymphocytes, apoptosis, and potentially other mechanisms.
What we are learning (the hard way), is that the immune system (and biology in general) is far more complex than the hackers understand. Let’s call these hackers the Platform Mechanics, since they like to regard the immune system as a relatively simplistic machine that they are able to tweak and manipulate.
Now, a simple mechanical hack can work for McGyver on TV because, typically, there’s a simple physical mechanism at play, like a slingshot or a lever. Hacking the human body, however—especially aspects and systems incorporating genetic information (that we only dimly understand)—will foreseeably end up being an exercise in recklessness. And an expensive one, paid in lives.
The Platform Mechanics want you to believe in the ‘genius’ of ‘progress’ and marvel at how they’re able to hack biology. But it’s all a fantasy (or rather, a horror movie). They don’t really understand what they are doing, or the long term impacts, but they want you to believe they do.
The System is Inherently Toxic and Unpredictable
One of the other key (hazardous) characteristics of the lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery platform is what mainstream media has innocuously called ‘tiny fat bubbles’.
This is a ridiculous simplistic characterization, but one that serves its intended purpose: it’s a dumbed-down cartoon that misinforms the public (as an aside: the media coverage on this has more in common with a sales brochure than a source of reliable information).
The LNP is, more accurately, a cationic lipid; that is, a positively charged lipid particle. What is nearly always excluded from discussion is the reality that only neutral and negatively charged lipids are found in nature. There are no permanently postively charged lipids found in nature. Zero.
It is absolutely unnatural.
As one might expect, this makes cationic lipids incredibly toxic, immunogenic, and inherently unstable.
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was included as a constituent in formulating the COVID injectable LNPs, which garnered concerns due to the immunogenicity of PEG. But this too is missing the forest for the trees; because, even if one were to remove the PEG from the formulation, the LNP would still be toxic, because it remains, a cationic lipid.
That is a huge omission, even criminal.
The dangers were known.
Further, despite assurances, the LNP’s cannot be targeted in the body. They travel everywhere. They tend to accumulate in the liver, but this is mostly because that is where lipids in circulation are processed normally.
We didn’t actually need the Japanese biodistribution study to know that the LNP behaved this way. The Platform Mechanics have known about this failing for a very long time. It’s clear that, very early on, there was a choice made not to publicize this important hazard.
Watch this clip of Pieter Cullis, co-founder of Acuitas—the company that developed the LNP technology used in the COVID mRNA shots—where he casually admits that uncontrolled biodistribution is a known phenomenon. Note: Cullis’ PhD is actually in solid state physics and he did not begin attempting to apply his research into nuclear magnetic resonance to biological membranes until his post-doctoral work.
The entire presentation and Q+A that follows is worth digesting, even from the perspective of a layperson.
The conclusion you’re meant to take away is this: trust in the ‘expertise’ and the fanciful promise of a ‘better future’ through ‘science’. Beyond this rosey lens however, the picture does not elicit confidence. Even by the LNP designer’s own admission, their understanding is very limited.
While the Platform Mechanic’s words may seem soft and innocuous (even humble) the story of the jab-injured and jab-killed speaks loudly. There is a willingness here to use human beings as test subjects to benefit careers and generate profit for sponsors. They are happy to accept awards and accolades—the casualties don’t matter to them.
Predictable Danger
What we’re seeing has been entirely predictable.
These aren’t new problems or challenges; indeed, they have been there for decades.
The dangers were known.
Although summarily denied by official pronouncements, it has been entirely predictable that mass transfection using an experimental delivery platform will yield chaos and ill health. It is what happens with the introduction of virtually any untested, experimental pharmaceutical; but now writ large, because it has been given to billions of people of all ages and health status.
This is an arrogant, hubris-filled demonstration of how little ‘the science’ really understands about how the biology of life works (does anyone, truly?). The platform is passed off as ‘therapy’, but it really is pure experimentation: reckless tinkering with a complexity we do not (and may never) fully comprehend.
The predictable result of this human experimentation is that it yields death and disease. It is callous and cruel and we’re witness to it, living through it.
No one asked for your consent. Instead they tried to scare and intimidate you into accepting your appointed role as a compliant subject. Some said no, but a great many did not.
To riff off of Jessica Rose:
You were not given informed consent.
You were screwed by your government.
You were screwed by pharma.
You were screwed by public health organizations.
You were screwed by the drug regulators.
You were screwed by the scientific journals.
You were screwed by the media.
This isn’t just about COVID, make no mistake.
Unless the platform is examined and laid bare for laypeople, there will be yet more willing subjects for experimentation. There will be a never ending stream of products—especially ‘vaccines’— built on this platform, and the wreck of the COVID shots will seem quaint by comparison.
It’s coming.
The specter looms.
One can imagine what the rationale will be: all those ‘conspiracy theories’ and horror stories about the ‘old vaccines’ will be magically ‘fixed’ by new-fangled genetic versions which will be built on this platform.
And the result?
I think we can guess.
It’s staring us in the face.
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The term’s definition has evolved with time and technology from being applied solely to DNA to include RNA. An example of a viral method would be an adenovirus product, like the discontinued Janssen shot or AstraZeneca’s shot.
Houseley J, Tollervey D. The Many Pathways of RNA Degradation. Cell. 2009;136:763–76. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.01.019.
Park JW, Lagniton PNP, Liu Y, Xu RH. mRNA vaccines for COVID-19: what, why and how. Int J Biol Sci. 2021 Apr 10;17(6):1446-1460. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.59233. PMID: 33907508; PMCID: PMC8071766.
Truly an elegant two-part treatise. Loved every word of it. (Hated the truth that it shared.)
As usual … a very well written article! Thank you for your detailed analysis and insight at many levels!
I will share …